The Purpose of Resentment

HumanSourceCodex HQ
2 min readOct 15, 2020

Resentment is a healthy biological response it’s here to awaken you to break your addiction to an infatuation you have. This is where positive Psychology fucks people up, believing the feeling of resentment is to be avoided and is mostly labeled as bad.

So, what is the purpose of resentment and how can it be of service to us — if mother nature gave us this emotion to feel and express it must have a purpose.

It sure does — Resentment is a message through your senses to awaken you to take your life back, it’s here to let you know you are off purpose, not living a congruent life with your priorities, values, and preferences or you are subordinating to outside or other idealism, unrealistic expectations which create your own fears!!

Here’s an interesting insight — you accumulate resentment as you lose your identity!!!

Meaning the more you hand over yourself to someone else the less authentic you are — the feelings of resentment and internal shame arise!
The more you give yourself up and become altruistic to your values the greater resentment and internal conflict you will experience.

Quite commonly in my work with clients, I observe what I call emotional indigestion when they get stuck in their narrative of what they perceive is the external association of what the resentment represents.

Resentment is the byproduct of the association of injected beliefs and you dissociating from yourself. See we are conditioned to believe that pleasure is preferable over pain, this in itself is the limitation of freedom and creates the addiction that if I become something for someone they will accept me or love me.

But for most, they have no idea what they are creating — but you can’t get outside a container you can not see. This is where having a mentor to awaken you to your own entrapment can be transformational and life-changing- sometimes even lifesaving.

Subordination to outside values or lower values because of fear is the idiot's guide to a life of conflict and confusion, codependency, and depression.

P.s — Enjoy this article? Then register for our upcoming LIVE Inception Webclass where we discuss:

  1. How To Uncover The ‘One Thing’ That Is Responsible For The Greatest Degree Of Achievement, Fulfillment, and Success.
  2. The Two Things Responsible For Unfucking Your Bank account and Bringing Awareness To Fair Exchange.
  3. What The Far Majority Of Specialists Miss Out When It Comes To Maximising Focus & Eliminating Procrastination and Doubt.

